

Get StartedContact Us

Simple pricing tailored for any business size


Suitable for entrepreneurs who have a small menu and cook once in a while.


per month

+5.9% transaction fee*

Free Cottage website

Business dashboard

Email support

Get started for free

1 operating location

10 products

1 meal plan

5 coupons

1 daily schedule

2 delivery zones

1 pickup address

Weekly payouts

Gift cards

Bring your own domain

Allocate customer credits

Text your customers

Custom invoicing**


Suitable for small to medium sized businesses operating in a few locations.


per month

+2.9% transaction fee*

Everything in Standard

Free 1-on-1 training

Priority support

1 operating location

50 products

3 meal plans

15 coupons

2 daily schedules

5 delivery zones

3 pickup addresses

Daily payouts

Gift cards

Bring your own domain

Allocate customer credits

Text your customers

Custom invoicing**


Suitable for larger businesses operating in many locations on a regional or state scale.


per month

+1.9% transaction fee*

Everything in Business

Free data migration

Dedicated account manager

3 operating locations

100 products

10 meal plans

15 coupons

9 daily schedules

30 delivery zones

9 pickup addresses

Daily payouts

Gift cards

Bring your own domain

Allocate customer credits

Text your customers

Custom invoicing**

Cottage Enterprise Solutions

Sell more products, manage your business better, and work more efficiently.

Contact us

Multi-user access

Streamline operations with SSO, custom roles, and access management all from the business dashboard.

Custom integrations

Connect the software tools, apps and third party APIs that your business relies on.

Ready to get started?

Set up your store in less than 5 minutes, risk-free.

* When you create and publish a store, transaction fees will be charged to you on a per transaction basis based on the total order value (minus promotions and discounts, plus tax and delivery fees) for each transaction. These transaction fees are non-refundable. You will also be charged fees by Stripe. See stripe.com for details about Stripe fees.

** Upcoming features in 2024

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